View of the front facing facade of 105 Windsor Street

View of the front facing facade of 105 Windsor Street

Project Summary

105 Windsor Street is a three-story structure of approximately 12,798 gross square feet, located on a 10,000 square foot parcel at the intersection of Windsor Street and School Street in the Port neighborhood of Cambridge. The brick stucture was built in 1868 as the City's Boardman School. It was one of the first brick schools in the City, and is the only survivor of its class. The building was converted into a recreation center in 1940 and housed a social services office and a branch library. It was then transformed into a health clinic in 1972 and was last renovated in 1985. Currently, the building is vacant and appears to require a number of capital repairs as well as site improvements to maintain the integrity of the property. 

In late 2015, the City initiated discussions with the CRA regarding the potential role of the CRA in the revitalization of the 105 Windsor Street building, which is owned by the City. These discussions lauched the CRA into the process of preserving this historic building. 

In the Summer of 2017, the CRA requested the City to invest Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds for the exterior restoration repairs. The CPA funds, which were awarded to the CRA, will be an integral part of the capital investment for the 105 Windsor Street restoration project.

The CPA funding will provide the opportunity to invest in the external preservation of the building, particularly the public facing portion of the property, while the City and CRA investigate with the community, future reuse programs and design. The preservation project will include but not be limited to complete design services for the restoration and renovations of the exterior, building analysis, and construction administration services. The historic windows and slate roof replacement as well as the exterior masonry repointing will be the aspects of the first phase of the renovation project. 


Rear view of 105 Windsor Street

Rear view of 105 Windsor Street

105 Windsor Street, formerly the Boardman School of Cambridge front door entrance

105 Windsor Street, formerly the Boardman School of Cambridge front door entrance

View from the roof of 105 Windsor Street

View from the roof of 105 Windsor Street

CONTACT & Location

All inquiries concerning the 105 Windsor Street restoration project may be addressed to:

Carlos Peralta, Project Manager

Cambridge Redevelopment Authority

 255 Main Street, 8th floor, Cambridge, MA 02142

Phone:  617-492-6800      
