VIrtual CRA meetings and Public Participation Guide
In response to the current COVID-19 State of Emergency, on March 12, 2020, Governor Baker issued an Order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law. The Order, available here:, allows government bodies subject to the law to meet using remote participation, without presence of members of the general public, or the chair or a quorum of the public body in a physical location at a specified meeting location. Further if the public body is obligated under the law to provide for active, real-time public participation in the meeting, an alternative means of public access must provide for such participation.
In accordance with the Order, the CRA is holding the meeting virtually with provisions for public access and participation via the internet and phone as provided below
The Cambridge Redevelopment Authority is a “local public body” for the purpose of the Open Meeting Law pursuant to M. G. L. c. 30A, § 18.
M. G. L. c. 30A, § 20, provides in relevant part:
(b) Except in an emergency, in addition to any notice otherwise required by law, a public body shall post notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. In an emergency, a public body shall post notice as soon as reasonably possible prior to such meeting. Notice shall be printed in a legible, easily understandable format and shall contain the date, time and place of such meeting and a listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting.
(c) For meetings of a local public body, notice shall be filed with the municipal clerk and posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building in which the clerk’s office is located.
It is the policy of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority to provide notice at least 7 calendar days prior to its meetings whenever practicable.