2025 forward fund Capital infrastructure and Feasibility study Grants

This year, the CRA has allocated $600,000 to the Forward Fund program, to invest in Cambridge’s non-profit community and provide funds to plan and implement capital projects. The Forward Fund prioritizes organizations that are helping to achieve the priorities identified in the CRA’s 2023 Strategic Plan, and the City’s Envision Cambridge Citywide Plan.

Access the 2025 grant applications by clicking the buttons below, and visit here to see past Forward Fund projects (2015 - 2024).

Capital Infrastructure Grants:

The Capital Infrastructure Grant program funds the cost of capital infrastructure projects, including materials, project management, and labor to build, renovate, repair, or improve new or existing structures and open space amenities. See details below:

Capital Infrastructure Grant Overview:

  • Grant Cap: Up to $100,000

  • Matching Fund Requirement: 1:1 matches are required for projects requesting more than $50,000. There is no matching fund requirement for projects requesting $50,000 or less. For greater clarity please see the examples below.

    • An organization has a project that costs $30,000. It would be eligible for a Forward Fund grant of $30,000 with no matching fund requirements.

    • An organization has a project that costs $80,000. It would be eligible for a Forward Fund grant of $65,000, showing $15,000 of matching funds.

    • An organization has a project that costs $100,000. It would be eligible for a Forward Fund grant of $75,000, showing $25,000 of matching funds

    • An organization has a project that costs $150,000. It would be eligible for a Forward Fund grant of $100,000, showing $50,000 of matching funds.

  • Project Completion Requirement: Two years upon execution of the grant agreement.

  • Payment Structure: 50% funding up-front, 50% after completion.

  • Eligible Applicants: See below for more details.

  • Application Review Dates: April 4, 2025 & September 5, 2025. Applicants can submit applications for review on either date.

  • Evaluation Process: A Selection Committee, made up of staff from the CRA and City of Cambridge, reviews and makes recommendations on all applications. See below for evaluation criteria.

Feasibility Study Grants:

A feasibility study informs the process, design, and resources needed to complete a capital infrastructure project. Additionally, feasibility studies are able to include community engagement work to inform capital infrastructure improvements within their feasibility study grant scope. Community engagement processes for non-profits within a feasibility study can help organizations tap into their represented community and understand thoughts, impacts, concerns, and other insights that an organization might be unaware of for a given capital project.

Community engagement funds within a feasibility study could be allocated toward:

  • Hiring a consultant to facilitate, strategize, and/or implement a community engagement process,

  • Hosting community events: space rentals, incentives for community participation, translation services, food, etc.,

  • Outreach Materials: flyers, posters, surveys, and other engagement materials,

  • Non-profit staff time, up to a limit of 20% of the requested Feasibility Study grant, to manage engagement work related to a capital project.

Feasibility Study Grant Overview:

  • Grant Cap: Up to $10,000

  • Matching Fund Requirement: none

  • Project Completion Requirement: One year upon execution of the grant agreement.

  • Payment Structure: 50% funding up-front, 50% after completion.

  • Eligible Applicants: See below for more details.

  • Application Deadline: Proposals will be evaluated throughout the year on a rolling basis until September 5, 2025, or until funds are allocated.

  • Evaluation Process: CRA staff reviews all feasibility studies. See below for evaluation criteria.

MathTalks - 2018 Forward Fund Awardee

Just A Start Financial Empowerment Collaborative at 55 Norfolk Street - 2019 Forward Fund Awardee (Photo Credit Elizabeth Pierre)

Magazine Beach Public Boat Dock by the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association - 2017 Forward Fund Awardee

Central Square BID Murals - 2018 Forward Fund Awardee

Who should apply

O’Connell Library Park - East Cambridge Open Space Trust - 2018 Forward Fund Awardee

Any non-profit organization in Cambridge that owns or operates community facilities. The organization’s mission should provide support, social services, and/or resources to those in Cambridge, with the goal of helping to achieve the CRA’s 2023 Strategic Plan, or the City’s Envision Cambridge citywide plan.

Eligibility Criteria: The criteria below must be met for a project or organization to be eligible:

  • The project is in Cambridge.

  • The applicant is a nonprofit organization (501c3), or a community group or organization with a fiscal (501c3) sponsor.

  • The applicant has control over the proposed project site, or has a letter of support from the property owner detailing a long-term lease, or other agreement.

  • The project will fund a capital improvement project/study that has not yet been completed, and is not intended for programming or other non-capital infrastructure work including but not limited to items such as laptops, monitors, recording equipment, furniture, etc.

  • The applicant can explain how the project being studied/implemented will help achieve the priorities identified in the CRA’s 2023 Strategic Plan, or the City’s Envision Cambridge citywide plan.

  • The project is publicly accessible, or is part of an institution with a civic/social/neighborhood mission that serves the community.

Evaluation Criteria

Projects will be scored based on the following criteria:

  1. The application includes a clear narrative on how the project aligns with the action items identified in the CRA’s 2023 Strategic Plan, or the Envision Cambridge citywide plan.

  2. The applicant demonstrates staff capacity for the organization to successfully implement the project.

  3. The project is feasible and can be implemented within a one/two-year time frame. Additionally, if the project/study costs more than what is requested from the Forward Fund, the applicant has a plan to pay for the remaining cost of the project/study.

  4. The project has a high level of public accessibility or visibility.

  5. The applicant has a clear narrative on how the organization’s space that will be improved by the capital project meets ADA accessibility standards, and/or how the proposed capital project incorporates efforts to improve accessibility. Accessibility encompasses, but is not limited to, different physical, emotional, and mental needs of the public.

  6. The project aspires to sustainable best practices (as applicable). Environmental sustainability in capital infrastructure projects can relate to many aspects, ranging from energy efficient mechanical equipment, use of sustainable and recycled materials, to responsible disposal of construction waste. For more details, refer to the City’s Envision Cambridge Climate and Environment Plan, and Sustainable Development page.

  7. The project has an ability to inspire or facilitate other community investments.


All interested parties with questions are encouraged to contact Josh Croom, Project Planner, at jcroom@cambridgeredevelopment.org or 617-492-6800.