2023 forward fund Capital infrastructure and Feasibility study Grants
The CRA Forward Fund is a grant program that invests in the City of Cambridge’s non-profit community, and provides funds to plan and implement capital projects. The fund prioritizes organizations that are mission-aligned with the CRA, and that provide services that address City needs identified in Envision Cambridge.
The CRA is pleased to announce its awardees for 2023 Feasibility Study and Capital Infrastructure Grants:
Feasibility Studies:
Central Square Theater: Studio Theater Renovation Architectural Study
Global Arts Live: Construction Cost Reduction for 585 Arts
Multicultural Arts Center:Theater Accessibility and Usability Renovation
Transition House: Capital Improvements Prep Project
YWCA: ADA Improvements & Community Space Renovations
Capital Infrastructure Improvements:
Brattle Film Foundation: Replacement of Digital Projector at The Brattle Theatre
Cambridge Arts Center: Bathroom Renovation/ Podcast Studio
Cambridge Community Center: Gymnasium Roof and Insulation
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee: Food Pantry Renovations
CASPAR, Inc.: Emergency Services Center Repaving Project
Citysprouts: Sustaining Resilient Public school gardens
Harvard Square Homeless Shelter Corporation: Renovation of Harvard Square Homeless Shelter (HSHS)
Just-A-Start:Linwood Court Bike Shed Beautification Project
Just-A-Start: Rindge Commons Economic Mobility Hub
Maria L. Baldwin Community Center: Treatment Area for Community Embedded Family and Mental Health Support
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers: Cambridge Office HVAC Replacement
Click the link to see past Forward Fund projects (2015 - 2021).
Capital Infrastructure Grants:
The Capital Infrastructure Grant program funds non-profit capital improvement projects in the City. This year, the CRA has allocated $400,000 for capital improvement grants. Organizations may apply for up to $100,000 for their project. The CRA reserves the right to award funds depending on the quality of proposals. Grants will be awarded throughout the year until funds are allocated.
Grant Cap: Up to $100,000
Matching Fund Requirement: 1:1 matches are required for projects requesting $50,000 or more. There is no matching fund requirement for projects requesting less than $50,000.
Project Completion Requirement: Two years upon execution of the grant agreement.
Payment Structure: 50% funding up-front, 50% after completion.
Eligible Applicants: See below for more details.
Application Review Dates: 9/30/2023, 11/30/2023, additional review dates to be scheduled as needed as funds remain.
Evaluation Process: A Selection Committee, made up of staff from the CRA and various City departments make recommendations on all applications. See below for evaluation criteria.
Feasibility Study Grants:
A feasibility study informs the process, design, and resources needed to complete a construction project. The CRA has allocated $100,000 for feasibility study grants. Organizations may apply for up to $10,000 for their project. The CRA reserves the right to award funds depending on the quality of proposals.
Grant Cap: Up to $10,000
Matching Fund Requirement: none
Project Completion Requirement: One year upon execution of the grant agreement.
Payment Structure: 50% funding up-front, 50% after completion.
Eligible Applicants: See below for more details.
Application Deadline: Proposals will be evaluated throughout the year on a rolling basis until funds are allocated.
Evaluation Process: CRA staff reviews all feasibility studies. See below for evaluation criteria.
MathTalks - 2018 Forward Fund Awardee
Magazine Beach Public Boat Dock by the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association - 2017 Forward Fund Awardee
Central Square BID Murals - 2018 Forward Fund Awardee
Who should apply
O’Connell Library Park - East Cambridge Open Space Trust - 2018 Forward Fund Awardee
Any non-profit organization in Cambridge that owns or operates community facilities. The organization’s mission should provide support, social services, and/or resources to those in Cambridge, with the goal of addressing the City’s needs identified in the Envision Cambridge citywide plan.
Eligibility Criteria: The criteria below must be met for a project or organization to be eligible:
The project is in Cambridge.
The applicant is a nonprofit organization (501c3).
The applicant has control over the proposed project site, or has a letter of support from the property owner detailing a long-term lease, or other agreement.
The project will fund a capital improvement project/study, and is not intended for programming, or other non-capital infrastructure expenses.
The grant funds a capital improvement that does not require ongoing funding from the CRA or the City to operate or maintain.
The applicant can explain how the project being studied/implemented will help achieve the priorities identified in the City’s Envision Cambridge citywide plan.
The project is publicly accessible, or is part of an institution with a civic/social/neighborhood mission that serves the community.
Evaluation Criteria
CRA staff will evaluate Feasibility Study Grant proposals. A Selection Committee, made up of individuals from City departments and CRA staff, will evaluate the Capital Infrastructure Grant proposals. The CRA anticipates offering awards to a diverse set of organizations whose proposals are feasible and, once completed, create a more livable and equitable City. Specifically, projects will be scored based on the following criteria:
The application includes a clear narrative on how the project aligns with the action plans of the Envision Cambridge citywide plan.
The applicant demonstrates staff capacity for the organization to successfully implement the project.
The project is feasible and can be implemented within a one/two-year time frame. Additionally, if the project/study costs more than what is requested from the Forward Fund, the applicant has a plan to identify how the remaining cost of the project/study will be paid for.
The project has a high level of public accessibility or visibility.
The project has an ability to inspire or facilitate other community investments.
All interested parties with questions are encouraged to contact Alexandra Levering, Senior Project Manager at alevering@cambridgeredevelopment.org or 617-492-6800.